Opioid Prescribing in Dental Practice: Managing Liability Risks

Keith DA, Kulich RJ, Vasciannie AA, Harold RS.
Dent Clin North Am. 2020 Jul;64(3):597-608.
doi: 10.1016/j.cden.2020.03.003.
PMID: 32448462.

Dentistry should be proud of its history of providing responsible pain relief, as well as becoming more cautious in prescribing opioid medications when other safer pharmacologic options exist. Our training directs us to first eliminate the source of dental pain and prescribe analgesics only as adjunctive relief. Prescriptions must be written for a legitimate dental purpose and for a patient of record. Through self-regulation, the dental profession must continue to establish pain management guidelines based on scientific evidence and clinical experience to avoid further regulatory action restricting our prescribing privileges, which remain one of our most powerful therapeutic tools.

Keywords: Controlled substances; Dental Practice; Opioids; Pain management; Safe prescribing.


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