A Model for Opioid Risk Stratification: Assessing the Psychosocial Components of Orofacial Pain

Kulich RJ, Backstrom J, Brownstein J, Finkelman M, Dhadwal S, DiBennedetto D.
Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am. 2016 Aug;28(3):261-73.
doi: 10.1016/j.coms.2016.03.006.
PMID: 27475506.

This article describes a model of opiate risk stratification with a special focus on dentistry and oral surgery. A brief overview covers the scope of the US opioid abuse and misuse epidemic, and the role of the dentist in mitigating the problems of diversion and misuse of controlled substances. The expanding role of dentistry is summarized. An assessment outlines gathering critical risk information, screening questionnaires, access to state prescription monitoring programs, and communication with cotreating providers. Special populations are discussed. Barriers and possible solutions for effective implementation of these strategies are summarized.

Keywords: Dentistry; Interprofessional; Opioid; Risk-management; Substance abuse.


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